Be a Winner in an Ocean of Losers

Happy Monday..
The sun is out.
The week is fresh.
It’s another day to go out a level up.
I want to share this with you as you start the week off.
It’s something we discussed on a podcast I was recently on, I’ll be sharing the video later on this week btw.
Basically, it’s this…
Chances are, if you’re reading this, you have NO IDEA what you’re doing with your life.
(This is just statistically accurate).
I genuinely mean that.
Most people I interact with or hear from seem to ghost through lives.
They’re doing what SOCIETY told them to do instead of what THEY want to do.
And trust me, being “plugged in” to society’s programming is hard to notice and even harder to break out of.
When I was in college, I got a scholarship for engineering at Penn State university.
Growing up, I was told that I was intelligent.
I did a speech in DC in the 7th grade.
I did robotics at a tournament at UDC (a college) when I was only 16 years old.
My parents set me up for absolute academic success and I 1000% thank them for that.
But I learned as a college student that I was just following the programming of society.
The programming that dictates:
Go to school…
Go to college…
Get job…
Start family…
Fade away into the background of life while the people that knew EXACTLY what they wanted to do shined bright…
Regret decisions…
Like a glitch in a video game, I defied the programming.
I didn’t want any of that.
College, academic success, and being so intelligent could not get me what I truly wanted in life.
Deep down, what I wanted most was to live a story unlike others.
It had little to do with money.
It had little to do with women.
It had little to do with status.
It had everything to do with feeling like I truly squeezed the juice out of my life.
Something that 99% of people DON’T do.
Final thought….
Don’t confuse money or status with greatness.
They’re not the same.
There are many men out there with little money that have truly lived a life of abundance.
And there are many dudes with “status” or an above average income that are just as forgettable and unremarkable as the lower class people they look down on.
(And I live in the wealthiest county in America so I can say this with absolute confidence).
Why am I saying all of this?
It’s to motivate you to take action on whatever it is you want to do.
First step: Figure out EXACTLY what you want out of life. Will your goals and vision chance? Probably. But having a vision will at least show you a path to take.
Second step: Relentlessly pursue your vision. And know that the very second you commit to your vision, there WILL be obstacles.
The universe will throw everything it has at you — poverty, sickness, loss of relatives or loved ones — just to see if you have what it takes. You WILL question if the juice is worth the squeeze. You WILL doubt yourself every day that you commit to your vision. And you WILL feel a level of uncertainty that few can say they’ve experienced. Every day, there’s a good chance you’ll want to throw in the towel and give up. You’ll see the other side of the fence where you could take the easy way out like most people and fade into obscurity. And when you feel this, that is the EXACT moment you should persevere.
I truly believe that if you manage to take the challenge and go through the gauntlet (like Hercules during his trials), you’ll come out a “superior” person that tasted what life had to offer and become someone worth reading about.
As always…
Keep Conquering,
Leviticus Rich is the premiere productivity expert and coach located in the DMV area within Northern VA.
Leviticus has helped thousands of people improve their time management, focus, and productivity by offering some of the best, science-backed, advice and techniques in the modern era.
P.S. If you need help managing your productivity and destroying procrastination, click the link here to sign up for free productivity coaching.
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