I want to add that a lot of this article oversimplifies how human interactions work and how they progress.
There are many points that I agree with a many I disagree with (from a practical viewpoint). For one, when it comes to not touching a girl until touched or invited to, is it often that women verbally ask men to touch them? (For that matter, has any human ever asked for permission to initiate physical contact?)
Sure, touching inappropriately should be an obvious tip. However, refraining from all touching is a bit overblown in my opinion. What if the girl wants a male to initiate physical contact but doesn’t want to ask (because the female may, perhaps, lean towards a more subtle approach in relationships rather than a direct one)? Now, neither party is satisfied because the male was waiting for her to give permission and she was waiting for him.
While you might suggest that he could ask if it’s okay, imagine this happening in a realistic scenario (in general, not just in a female-male interaction). You meet someone:
Male: Hello miss. My name is Bobby. Can I shake your hand?
Female: Hi Bobby. Yes, you can shake my hand.
Much of society is based on nonverbal communication and to deviate from that tends to be more off-putting than flattering or noble. (Trust me, I challenge you to actively ask for permission before doing anything with both male and female friends, family, etc. Prepare yourself for awkward experiences).
I don’t wish to turn this into a small book. However, I do think many of the suggestions lack insight into how humans perceive information. I’d be happy to go deeper into my opinions if anyone is interested.
Overall, I think the takeaway should be that men should be respectful to women and do a better job at trying to assess what acts may be appropriate and what might be inappropriate. I don’t think men are actively trying to come off negatively. I do believe that approaching women and flirting is a skill that needs to be learned. Unfortunately, we live in a time where that skill isn’t taught, which overall impacts everyone.